5 months later… (My New family, YouTube and a very unexpected Weight loss journey turn

Okay, I know the title sounds a bit grim but these last 5 months haven't been a complete bust. A few major adjustments but not all bad. Very life changing to say the least… For starters, I continue to work with the same family I have for the past 2 (almost 3) years. They consider…

Health(ier) Christmas cookie craze

Obviously this post is a bit overdue but, I unplugged from phone/ internet and spent more time with my loved ones this holiday.  However, I did spend a good amount of evenings baking my version of some christmas cookie favorites. I also tried a couple Pinterest recipes for “healthy Christmas cookies” and although I wouldn’t usually…

My Weight loss Journey: Top secret juice recipes

To so many of those who have been asking me for these recipes, the Cat’s out of the bag! I’m finally sharing one of my best tips with you. These are my own, meaning I came up with the concoctions on my own. These will have  the exact measurements I use for about a serving…

Preggo Diary | Entry 3 

With pictures 🙂 10:45 pm  21weeks Baby K is now the size of a full grown carrot! All went well at last weeks anatomy scan. We were so delighted to find out that we are having a Healthy little… “Dramatic pause and drum roll“…BABY!  Sorry if you actually managed to get even a little excited. No spilling the gender…