Health(ier) Christmas cookie craze

Obviously this post is a bit overdue but, I unplugged from phone/ internet and spent more time with my loved ones this holiday.  However, I did spend a good amount of evenings baking my version of some christmas cookie favorites. I also tried a couple Pinterest recipes for “healthy Christmas cookies” and although I wouldn’t usually…

Preggo Diary | Entry 3 

With pictures 🙂 10:45 pm  21weeks Baby K is now the size of a full grown carrot! All went well at last weeks anatomy scan. We were so delighted to find out that we are having a Healthy little… “Dramatic pause and drum roll“…BABY!  Sorry if you actually managed to get even a little excited. No spilling the gender…

#One Big breakfast

They always say to take in the most calories early on in your day so, I decided I made all my favorites, (Minus My Chocolate peanut butter energy balls) YUM!